Nikon D70 DSLR IR Filter Conversion
What i have here is a dead nikon d70 dslr, given to me 'spares or repair' after the shutter failed. After much musing i decided to remove the CCD sensor board and replace the IR filter with a plain glass one to allow me to take infra-red photos. As i have my own D70 it makes it an easy and safer procedure to simply swap the sensor board rather than expose my CCD to the world during the changeover of the filter.

The camera in bits with the back flopped back on itself at the bottom of the pic and the sensor board removed but still connected to the left.

The shutter, or lack of it. What you can see in the aperture is the back of the mirror, the shutter is MIA somewhere above i think.

The actual sensor board, note the green tint of the IR blocking filter.

A good friend of mine runs an optical lab so we ordered some clear flat filter material and after removing the stock filter and scanning it in one of his machines we then used another machine to make a filter the same size from the blank. You can see a video of this process here.

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